This dimension is central in the professional skill of the tutor because it includes the declarative knowledge on teaching and didactic approaches and the procedural knowledge that concerns the ability to implement Trainings to IC. This dimension concerns the field of information, planning, of didactic realization, evaluation and reflection on the developed work around the IC, including all the work realized through ICT.
Appropriate knowledge on IC as part of pluralistic approaches
Expand one’s professional knowledge including the calling in question of one’s conceptions on teaching of languages and cultures
The tutor in IC accentuates his knowledge in didactic of languages (DL) on the pluralistic approaches, in particular on IC to integrate these approaches in his practices (see for example Redinter, Galapro). It will commit also to open the repertoire of targeted languages in his teaching program.
Know the notions of linguistic profile and intercultural and plurilingual skills
The tutor in IC understands the key-concepts that allow a work around the intercultural and plurilingual skill (see the Platform of resources and references for an intercultural and plurilingual teaching).
Know the pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures and more precisely the IC approach
The tutor in IC must know the declarative knowledge on the pluralistic approaches, especially on IC, cf. CARAP_F.pdf.
Know the theoretical presuppositions, the didactic principles and the results in research of IC
The development of actions in IC training has to be based on strong knowledge of theoretical basis coming research. Bibliographies, reading sheets and works available online (suggestions are available for example on Redinter, Galanet, Galapro, Cinco).
Know the teaching purposes of IC (linguistic, cultural, communicative, political and inflected)
The planning and the management of training plans must be lead by the knowledge of teaching purposes of IC, in its various dimensions (see for example the book published by AUF and the Union Latine (Latine Union); The intercomprehension of the new challenges for Romance languages, langues_romanes_ULat2011.pdf).
Elaborate an intervention project in IC
Analyze one’s context of intervention in order to see the potential area for a didactic project in IC
The IC is an emerging approach; the tutor is often bringing to create an intervention area. To this purpose, he will examine his context to find support to his project of plurilingual teaching (multicultural audiences, project of internationalization, collaboration between languages teachers, school project…).
Seek actively partners and create situations of exchange and collaboration
The teacher can seek partners on his own institution (teachers of other languages or other disciplines) and set up an international network of partners for modes of educative online collaboration in IC and/or interdisciplinary (for example on platforms Miriadi, Galapro, Lingalog, eTwinning) or in a project of international mobility.
Conceive training processes to IC regarding the audience’s contexts and interlocutors and the chosen plans (in class and/or at distance)
The tutor is able to take into account linguistic and teaching situations to identify the needs of training, establish the purposes and the priorities of intervention and negotiate a teaching project in collaboration with his partners mobilizing his teaching, didactic and communicative repertoire.
The IC can also be a plurilingual entry to disciplinary or professional contents (intermar, prefic). It is about organize and develop activities or teaching integrated projects (languages-disciplines).
Organize the curriculum integration process of IC in the intervention context
It is about organize time, areas and modes of participation for the training module (for example define the calendar taking into account the timetable available, make sure of the availability of a multimedia room for the online communication…).
Search, analyze and select the plans and the didactic materials in IC, in class and/or at distance
The tutor should know how to look, select, analyze and calibrate the didactic resources to upgrade the IC in the appropriate linguistic learning approaches to the development of the linguistic repertoire of the subjects in training (cf.
Realize a didactic intervention in IC
Analyze the diversity of repertoires of the subjects involved (linguistic, cultural, strategic, digital, the level of their skills in IC, etc.) and their needs of contextual learning
The presence of various linguistic and cultural repertoires require from the tutor an ability of analysis, of management and of valorization of the diversity and the complexity of the learning and communicative types to regulate the teaching-didactic situations built from the features of the subjects, their attempts and their needs.
Handle situations of interaction in IC at distance
Situations of interaction at distance in IC involve technical, digital and methodological skills in different learning environments and modes of communication. It is necessary to handle the diversity of codes, cultures and tools; negotiate and realize mediations between subjects that have different views; coordinate tasks and share them; stimulate the participation and the motivation: promote the examination and the reflection.
Mobilize and develop linguistic-communicative, cognitive, emotional and metacommunicative repertoires of the learners
The tutor in IC knows how to create educational situations that take into account the processes and the various repertoires, making sure of the mobilization and the spread of knowledge, of the development of abilities and attitudes involved in communicative intercultural and plurilingual situations. In that manner, the tutor should be able to stimulate the reasoning and the linguistic learning process and promote positive attitudes toward the cultural and linguistic diversity, ensuring to maintain the motivation.
Develop strategic skills of learners in situations of languages contact
The tutor will give for thought on the processes and the strategies of access in the meaning used spontaneously by the subjects, then to guide them to develop their strategic repertoire, their autonomy in organization and on the transfer of knowledge and capacities (cf. Skill Reference Data: Strategies of written/speaking understandings and interaction).
Maintain the taste of languages and the motivation to learn in IC
In his practices, the tutor in IC is able to build a positive vision of the linguistic and cultural diversity, particularly in its sentimental and aesthetical dimensions (the pleasure to discover new stones, interesting cultural practices…).
He fosters the skills already acquired, enhances the discoveries and the results obtained and suggests strong supports as well as situations of exchanges involving the learners in their subjectivity.
Evaluate the training process and enhance the results
Evaluate according to the different methods the didactic work developed around IC
The tutor in IC observes and evaluates the process of training and the results of process. According to the aims and the criterions established, he can offer different practices of inflected and summative evaluation. The evaluation can be on the following points: linguistic knowledge, strategic metalingustic and metacommunciative skills in IC; active participation in plurilingual communication and the achievement of collaborative tasks…
We will refer to three levels of skills in IC (A, B, C) proposed in the Learning Skill Reference Data.
Besides, the auto-evaluation continues (ex: learning journal) and the regulation in peers can reinforce the awareness of the learner about his/her learning process and the results obtained: he/she can understand his/her difficulties and re-orientate his/her work.
Accentuate the obtained results individually and the collective achievements
The valorization of the knowledge intervenes at different levels of process: in an ongoing learning process, the tutor can see the performances, even partial, of the participants to support their self-confidence. At the end of the process, these knowledge will be the subject of a certificate to insert in one’s portfolio of skills (cf. ) and one’s resume (cf. europass). We will stimulate the learners to consider the social contexts where they could use these new skills.
At an institutional and social level, we can spread the following approach organizing events to present the products coming from the plurilingual and intercultural collaboration.
Think about one’s training practices at IC, in class and/or online
Beyond one’s understanding of one’s professional skill, in terms of didactic, teaching and digital knowledge, to perform this skill, the tutor in IC should be available to observe his training practices, analyze them and evaluate to decide what to do in order to improve his own process of professional development and the training process for which he is responsible.
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